When is the Best Time of the Year for Servicing Garage Doors?

Anyone who operates a piece of equipment, like a motor vehicle that largely consists of mechanical components, is aware that the product is subject to wear and tear during its functional lifetime. You wouldn’t deliberately skip your car’s periodic services, and you shouldn’t neglect servicing garage doors.

In this article, we’ll discuss how often you need to have your garage doors serviced, as well as the best time of the year to do so.

Recommended Intervals for Servicing Garage Doors

Vehicle manufacturers’ service plans indicate how often products should be serviced and what each service entails, in order to keep the unit reliable and in tip-top order. Servicing garage doors may be done on an ad hoc, call-out basis, unless customers opt for a maintenance contract that includes a service plan.

A qualified supplier or installer like Chateau Doors usually advises customers about recommended servicing intervals. Such experts recommend servicing garage doors annually. Servicing garage doors is a preventative measure, which helps to ensure that small, incidental problems are eliminated before they become big issues.

Servicing Avoids Garage Door Replacement Costs

Customers should heed professional recommendations to avoid the development of potential garage door problems, such as malfunctions or complete failure, and later on, substantial repair or replacement costs.

Servicing Extends Garage Doors’ Lifespan

A well-maintained, regularly serviced garage door can last and function virtually seamlessly for a long time. The lifespan of such garage doors may be up to 30 years or even longer – now that truly is great value for money, wisely spent on regular, periodic servicing of garage doors, as per the manufacturers’ recommendations.

When is the Best Time for Routine Garage Door Maintenance 

When establishing the best time for servicing garage doors, one must take the country, its seasons, and prevailing weather conditions into account. In large regions of South Africa, particularly in Gauteng, most annual rainfall takes place during summertime.

Winter is the best time for servicing garage doors in regions which are summer rainfall areas. Very little rainfall occurs during Gauteng winter months, and it’s also more comfortable for service technicians to work in cooler conditions.

However, the fact that water and electricity don’t mix is the overriding reason why winter is the preferred and best time for servicing large doors. The use of electrically powered tools when surrounded by water and puddles is exceptionally dangerous and should never be attempted, not even by the experts at Chateau Doors.

One of the Very Best Garage Door Specialists

Nonetheless, we will always keep your and our technicians’ safety in mind when servicing your garage doors, regardless of the time of year. We invite you to contact us for a variety of top-quality products and services – before, during, and after each interaction.

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